SirScorp/Flo "Personal Nerf Retaliator"
So here you can see my personal Nerf Retaliator! I got the Worker MCX Bodykit in Clear and angled grip, with the Worker M16 Stock and Worker metal muzzle attachment.
Inside lives a metal pusher breech for short darts and custom Medusa Scar barrle.
Got a rubber grip cover for some better handling and of course a custom paint job in my personal loadout paint sheme. The pattern was created by laying down a primer coat of dark green, than using fishnet tights as a cover and build up some layers of various shades of green and a little bit of gold to top it off. The wood effect on the Stock was painted by hand with a brush and acrylics. My Name on the side is cut out vinyl.
The blaster is one of the most precise ones I have in my collection and tuned for a 130FPS cap, with a very lightweight prime.